Children's Church Directors

Our children church directors, Brandy and Michael Colson head up the HOPE Kids ministry.

HOPE Kids ministry covers ages 3-11 and includes our Sunday children’s church and all children’s activities. In this ministry our children are taught the Bible in a fun and practical way. 

Children will love coming each week to learn about God and make great friendships. Stay connected to the HOPE Kids or AWANA ministry through our Facebook Group. Here you’ll find updates and information about any upcoming activities, events, and opportunities for your children.

HOPE Awana’s program is led by Beth and Steve Johnson and is a subset of our HOPE Kids Ministry. 

AWANA clubs meet on Wednesdays at 6:45PM. It is a Bible-based evangelism and discipleship solution that HOPE uses for the Kids Program for grades K-6. AWANA gives children the opportunity to know, love and serve Jesus, no matter their background.

Stay connected with our AWANA ministry through our Facebook Group.

Beth and Steve Johnson