College Care Ministry

Every month you can be involved in our shoebox College Care Package ministry. You can bring a note, a card, or a small gift to add to the boxes. Boxes are mailed on the last Friday of every month.

Students names, schools, and “likes” for ideas.

  • Carly Elsasser, UNC- Wilmington – paint, paint brushes, canvases or canvas paper, string to make bracelets, extra cheddar Goldfish, white airheads, mystery push pops, boxed Mac-n-Cheese

  • Riley Goodson, Anderson University – art supplies (charcoal pencils, erasers, white acrylic paint), butterscotch hard candy, Reese peanut butter cups, pepper jelly & crackers, hard granola bars, brown sugar & cinnamon pop-tarts

See Candra Stryon for more information.